
Protection of the Blessed Virgin Mary Ukrainian Catholic Parish
(St Mary’s) 560 West 14th Avenue Vancouver, BC. 

A church in the Byzantine RitePart of the Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of New Westminster.

Fr. Joseph Pidskalny, OSBM – Administrator  (o. Йосип Підскальний, ЧСВВ)
Divine Liturgy Sundays   8:30am English   10:30am Ukrainian     Daily Mon-Sat 7:30am

Welcome! The Protection of the Blessed Virgin Mary Parish welcomes everyone to our Divine Liturgy.
Thank you for worshipping with us. Join us for coffee and sweets after Liturgy.


Sunday, September 15, 2024: Sunday after the Exaltation of the Holy Cross. Неділя по Воздвиженні Чесного Хреста.

Coffee and snacks in the Fellowship Room following both Divine Liturgies.

Tickets for our Parish Praznyk Dinner on Sunday, October 6 will be available in the church vestibule following both Divine Liturgies today and until October 3rd. Prices: Adults 19 & up: $35, Youth 12-18: $20, Children 6-11: $10, Children 5 & under: no charge. Cut-off date for ticket purchase: October 3, 2024. No walk-ins at the door.


Sunday, October 6, 2024 Parish Praznyk/Feast Day
We give thanks to Our Lord for the blessings our parish has received. We pray that He continue to bless our parish and all our parishioners. May we all work together for His greater glory. On this day we will be joined by His Excellency Bishop Michael. We remember in prayer (at both Divine Liturgies) our parishioners and their families. We pray for their health and well-being. We also remember our deceased parishioners. A Panachyda will be celebrated after the 10:30 am Divine Liturgy. Please join us in prayer. A Parish Praznyk Dinner will be held in the parish auditorium following the 10:30 am Divine Liturgy.

100 year History of Sts Peter and Paul Parish in Grindrod, BC 2024       photos from Grindrod BC Celebration

50th Anniversary Jubilee of the Eparchy of New Westminster 1974-2024  (web page)

Click for information about celebrations at Holy Eucharist Cathedral on September 27 – 29  celebrations

Click to see video    50th Anniversary Video

 Note: A new web site for Ukrainian  Events for BC has been created at  BC Ukrainian Calendar (google.com)

 Ukrainian Embroidery Club  Mondays     

Ukrainian Embroidery Club will meet on Monday evenings at St. Mary’s, beginning Monday, September 16. Classes are from 5:00 – 7:00 pm in the downstairs classroom. New students, family and friends are welcome. For more information, please call Emily at 778.888.3057.

Ukrainian Classes

Ukrainian classes for adults on Monday evenings at St. Mary’s start September 23. Please come join us. All levels welcome.
For more information and tuition rates, etc., see ukrainianclasses.com, email info@ukrainianclasses.com or call Susan at 604.733.3756.

Test your Ukrainian Language skill here WORDLE українською — вгадуй нове слово щодня (WORDLE-ua.net)

Altar Servers
If  any young men are interested in becoming an altar server at either the 8:30 or 10:30 am Sunday Divine Liturgy, please speak to Adrian Kopystynski .


To help the People of Ukraine  https://www.stmarysbc.com/contact-us/links/

 Divine Liturgy Intentions

If you would like to request a Divine Liturgy, please contact the parish office to book a date. If you are making an offering for this service by cheque, please make your cheque payable to “Basilian Fathers.” The suggested offering for a Divine Liturgy is $10.

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